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Never Settle: Transforming the Leader in You

Many leaders have found themselves in dead-end pursuits at one point or another in their careers. In these instances, they feel undervalued, unfulfilled, unhappy, and begin underperforming due to a toxic organizational culture.

Never Settle: Transforming the Leader in You transpired out of a need for change. Every leader requires some form of change to grow, develop, and transform. We were first leaders at our respective homes, in school, and on various teams externally before growing and becoming leaders in the workplace. 

This textbook walks the reader through a complete transformation progression. It provides tools to lead effectively, whether from a seat or in the boardroom. Leadership is a process. It is a beautiful journey that requires vision, knowledge, discipline, balance, practice, and a winning attitude. The reader will discover the power in their purpose. They will understand how to create winning strategies for themselves and share them with and impact others.

Never Settle: Transforming the Leader in You takes a Kingdom principled, neuroscience, and coach approach to help individuals begin living their absolute best lives. It speaks to anyone who deems themself a leader. This piece is not about religion. Instead, it is about incorporating practical principles that work. The prospects may be managers, executives, CEOs, church leaders, or those who lead from their “seats.” This book reminds individuals they do not have to settle for less than their greatest potential.

Leadership begins with creativity, a pruning process, and a blossoming influence that inspires others to act. Leaders can transform every area of life if they are willing to do the work. Ultimately, transformation ensues holistically, producing powerful outcomes and successful wins. Leadership is a pivotal paradigm in transformation. This textbook urges leaders to seek out their highest levels of potential and start living at those levels. They will encounter a leadership transformation and learn to enjoy the journey.